~About Me

This page is being slowly compiled as I spend more time in self-reflection mode (a scary place to be indeed).  Chances are you already know the basics, but be prepared to have your mind blown with facts about me. Grab the popcorn, Junior Mints, and snuggie folks, it's going to be a good one.

I am a Californian born and raised in the heart of Cow Town. For my college years, I have chosen to upgrade to a little beach town know as Santa Barbara. There I am studying Biochemistry, Biology, and English to become a doctor. Emergency physician in the Navy. I've known since I was five years old that this is what I am supposed to do. Proof:

I am the only child of my parents, but I have four half siblings ranging from 9 to 24. Three brothers, one sister.  All throughout school teachers would peg me as an only child or occasionally an oldest child, buuuut I am also a middle child. I wear many hats.

The past two summers I have spent three months living as a missionary with a musical group called the Celebrant Singers. 25 people, one bus, and a whole lot of awesome.  I wish I had blogged during our outreach.  It was an amazing experience allowing me to use my love for people, music, and God all at the same time. My eyes were definitely opened after traveling to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Panama, and Colombia, not to mention 29 of the 50 states. Though short term missions are wonderful, I am hoping to spend more time working as a doctor with humanitarian organizations in developing nations.

I want five kids, three biological and two adopted. I am a huge fan of international adoption, but at the same time there is a great need in our own country for loving homes. Maybe I'll do both...

Unfortunately, no kids til I find a husband (preferably a baseball playing, country music loving, good looking Christian gentleman). Thinking about the odds of roping in one of those, feeds my obsession  with cats. My schedule doesn't really allow for an abundance of time devoted to the husband search and then there's the family that threatens death if I only manage to come out of college with my Mrs. degree. So my problem stands at No Prospective Husband + Eight Years of School = Long Wait for Children.

I love to camp, fish, and hike. My favorite memories are the times I spent with my grandparents camping all around California. Sometimes we would just pick up and go for a weekend, occasionally running into bears or being pooped on by seagulls.

I could live off of instant mashed potatoes, spaghettios with meatballs, and fruit medley baby food. (College has proven this to be a fact.) I don't eat fruit unless it's in baby food form. The texture of foods like fruit and lettuce freaks me out. I don't eat red food. Never have. Buuuuut, i have eaten horse :(

4 months- the length of time for which I can avoid doing laundry. I am a frequent flier in the underwear department.  I own upwards of 120 pair.

Something about me that usually results in strange looks from others is the revealing of my "imaginary friend," Johnny Marvin. I'm not the only one who believes in him; my whole family has kind of adopted Johnny Marvin (but I think I'm his favorite). He's a forty-something guy, kinda nerdy, that lives in the attic of my grandparents house.  Johnny Marvin is always playing pranks or making a mess it seems like. Ever since I can remember, Johnny Marvin has given me underwear for Christmas, it's our special bond. if that seems weird to you, I'm sorry. Maybe if you met him you would understand.

If I could speak fluently the languages in which I can swear, I would be a prime applicant for the United Nations.

My "night-night," or security blanket, is biggest vice. It goes where I do and will only ever see the inside of a washing machine when my mom finds it unattended. This action is the biggest barrier we face in our relationship. She doesn't understand that I like love the smell it accumulates. Holla at me if you understand.

If you think telling me that "hilarious" story of that time you knocked out a tooth or had your wisdom teeth out is socially acceptable, then you must also believe that me throwing up on your shoes is socially acceptable. It will happen. Guaranteed. I have a seemingly unique fear of teeth, dentists, and anything involving related subjects i.e. roots, gums, baby teeth. I don't want to know.

I'm a very sarcastic person and there's a rumor that I'm a smart aleck, but you shouldn't believe everything you hear.

My Myers-Briggs personality type is ESTJ. I think that means I am supposedly logical, systematic, and a good leader. One explanation even described ESTJs as "model citizens." Quite humorous :)

I'm a once-a-week picker upper.  I am a pretty tidy person, but as the week progresses my crap piles up until I have a need to procrastinate. Then I go nuts and clean everything in sight.  I've often been found doing other peoples dishes to avoid writing an essay.  Cleaning is soothing to me.

There is nothing more fun to me than spending a night with my girlfriends. We can honestly sit in an empty room and make a party out of it. I am beyond thankful that they've stuck by my side through every awkward transition in my life. When we met on the first day of junior high, I never would have guessed we'd wind up together. You probably won't find a stranger grouping of women. but even now, separated by three, states we haven't lost our spark.

I secretly (well I guess it's not a secret now) wish I was a character in Harry Potter. When I read the books, I substitute Hermione with myself.

I love sports, watching or playing. That doesn't mean I'm athletically gifted by any means. I'm a San Francisco Giants fan til the day I die (and maybe still in Heaven). I would love to coach baseball and volleyball one day.

I lack coordination/ability to multitask in a big way. Chew gum and walk at the same time? Nope. Text and walk at the same time? Nope. Walk on flat ground without tripping? Nope. It's been suggested more than once that I wear a helmet while performing daily activities.

I can't function without nail polish on.

I usually remember my dreams the next morning.

I sing like a crazy person when no one's listening.

I dream of going back to school when I retire to get my degrees in history and psychology just for fun.

Southern accents are my favorite thing ever.

Animals bring joy to my heart. Every time I see German Shepherds I get a little teary eyed. Pet rats are the great. I'm planning on investing in a pet ferret soon. I love pigeons. Koalas are awesome. You can never have enough cats. I'm super good at keeping pet fish alive. Otto, a 7 year old carnival goldfish, is proof of this.