Monday, December 26, 2011

Is 2012 the end?... Probably Not

     I'm convinced that all of the crazies predicting the earth and life as we know it to end on 12/21/2012 are just desperate for some entertainment in their lives.  Here's my alternative: subscribe to the HBO and get all the sci-fi action you want. Stop bugging the rest of us. Soooooo, because I intend to live a good, full year I am making some plans. Resolutions? No. Just goals.
The easier, less time-consuming ones are as follows-
- Try salad. Never have. I think it's time to eat like a big girl.
- Stay true to my no caffeine/ restricted caffeine diet. Drink responsibly.
- Take a multivitamin everyday. 
- Begin giving blood again every eight weeks when my nose heals.

Now these require some ambition-
- Get further than January 6th in my One Year Bible.
- Volunteer at least 200 hours in a medical setting.
- Not get a cavity. 
- Blog at least once a week.
- Hike or fish at least once a month.
- Send a hand-written note of encouragement to a friend once a week.
- Do laundry at least once a month. Hang clean clothes at the end of each day and only use the laundry hamper for dirties:)
- Read one book for pleasure each month.
- Exercise more.  (Purposefully not specific haha)
- Get at least one A on a test in each class.
- Following that last one: Pray more!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

No Crap Tonight- Quarters and Cookies

     This post is simply a continuation of what I couldn't finish last night. Round 2. Back in the saddle. It's hard to believe that today marks a week that I have been home.  Break is 33% over, but I've done a lot in the time off already, like this blog for instance. Other evidences of productivity include finishing all of my laundry, cleaning house, and even shaving my legs! Alert the media.
     You  are probably reading this an thinking, "Really? That's all she's managed to do in a week?" Stop thinking that because nestled in there has been very treasured time with my family, friends, and church family. Of all of the people that I've spent time with, I think my little brothers and sister have enjoyed it the most. While the age gap has always been weird for me, I can honestly say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.  Why else would I allow myself to be kicked, punched, and robbed of covers last night by my little brother? Side note: I lied in my last post when I said my bed contained only one cat, the dog, and a kid.  I was secretly hoarding four cats in my bed. Don't worry, I was subsequently punished for lying with a sleepless night. Well anyway, it's a rare moment that I don't have one of them glued to my side.
     My little sister is hitting that terrifying tween stage where all she wants in the world is to be cool (and be away from quher little brother), so for her running errands around town with me has been the highlight of her day (I say this with a complete lack of narcissism, I promise). While hitting up Winco, the coolest place ever, for cookie baking supplies and Taco Bell for super strength we came across a funny/sad/creative sight. On the corner of our small town's busiest street, was a homeless man. But don't get all mad at me for laughing at him because he was asking for it. This was a bum with a sense of humor... and strategy. In the hustle and bustle of the holidays he was still managing to get people's attention (and money) with a sign that read, "I bet you can't hit me with a quarter." I took his wisdom on as my own and decided not to chuck a quarter across four lanes of traffic, despite my sister urging me to try instead with a dollar bill.
     I hope others rewarded his creativity and shared a little piece of the Christmas spirit with that man. As much as we spend on the holidays it's easy to forget to share what we have. In comparison to 85% of the world, I'm filthy rich (which says a lot)! So why not give him a quarter or two? Will you die without your peppermint mocha? I'm going to make a wild assumption and guess that's not the case. Give what you have been blessed with because only then can you really see what you have. And just think, I got all this from sitting at a stoplight!
     With all this busyness in my mind, I put my hands to work in the kitchen. Final product? Twelve dozen cookies!!! With my best friend and siblings helping bake eating cookie dough while I baked, we had quite a delightful time. The huge mess was a small cost in comparison to the fun it was delivering Christmas cookies to friends around town. (If I give them all away, I can't eat them!!)
     A Christmas recap is in the works. Stay tuned...
    This post was dreadfully written and I don't know why. Couldn't seem to finish if my life depended on it and now that I go back, I feel bad for giving y'all something so bland to read. I promise better in the near future.
Maybe this will help:
Kylie's Thought of the Day: "If you're gonna play in Texas, you gotta have a fiddle in the band." - Courtesy of my Alabama Pandora Station

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cow Manure, Quarters, and Sugar Cookies

     Tonight's going to be a long one folks. I can feel it in my bones, I've got the writin' bug.  I mean, one can only assume that, with a title like this, I've got a lot of explaining to do. And true that is. (Ignore the fluctuating grammar because it will most likely be a cross between a hillbilly and a Jedi. Why? Who knows...) The only thing y'all have going for you is that this post may be cut short by my strong need for a shower.  That's a post all in itself.

     So we can begin this journey with a little explanation of the most questionable ingredient of tonight's title: Cow Manure.  I love it. The smell has been seeded deep in my heart and equated with home since I was a little girl.  As if cows weren't lovable enough with their rough tongues, soft moo, and of course hamburgers, their stench has an irreplaceable quality to it.  For me, there isn't a geographical barrier I cross that signifies home. I am simply there with the first whiff of digested grass and methane. Friday night it hit me like a freight train as I leveled onto the valley floor.

     Home, I made it! Population 125,971 + 1. (If you didn't already know this about me, I am incredibly gifted in the subject of random numbers, things I will never actually need to know (and I like using parentheses to try and throw you off when I deviate slightly from my subject (but it is my blog and therefore I shall use parentheses as frequently as I please)))
My enthusiasm is largely due to the burden of the semester I left behind in Santa Barbara.  Yes contrary to everyone's beliefs, I do work there- hard work. I can honestly say in over three months of living within three miles of the beach, I went four times. Count 'em, four. But now is really not the time for a pity party about the terrible (I'm being overly dramatic and slightly sarcastic) life I lead at college.

     All of this to say, I am thankful to be home for three weeks. The family is loud and the food is good. We are running around doing last minute gifts, baking like banshees, and Christmas party hopping from house to house.  'Tis the life. Of course, this time wouldn't be complete without my small militia of cats.  It's a good thing I'm good with numbers because my exponentially growing group feline friends is putting that skill to good use.  I currently have six, each one special in its own way.  But don't worry friends only one is residing in my bed tonight... along with the dog... and a nine year old that's afraid of the dark. It's ridiculously crowded cozy.

     I bragged in the beginning of this post about the aspirations I had as to the length of this blog, but the angry war between my stomach and the 6 lbs of sugar I've consumed today have changed my mind.  I shall toss and turn sleep now, blog later.  The quarters and sugar cookie tales shall remain a mystery until the morning.  Cliff hangers are cruel, I know.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(Koala) Bear With Me

And so, much like a screaming child entering the world, I have joined the world of blogging.  Do I belong here? I'm not yet convinced. But for those daring to enter the maze that is my mind, read on.  Do not say however that it was without fair warning because I will clearly list for you what to expect (or not to expect):
1. Don't expect peRfectoin.  It will not ever have a place in my life, and therefore will not be tolerated on this blog.  if you are perfect, go away.
2. Next, you can expect to never find a pattern to my blog.  I plan to simply write away whatever blips occupy my mind.  There will be random facts, deeply emotional and/or spiritual moments, stories from my college experience and much more.  The variety you will find here can only be matched by perhaps the circus.
3.Do NOT expect frequent or exceptionally creative posts. I am a Biochemistry and Biology double major (with an English minor). I barely do my homework, so attempting to keep up with this blog may not always be my first priority.  But who knows, this will likely become a source of procrastination for me.  Little known fact: Perfectionists are notorious for procrastination.
4. If you are still reading at this point, I guess I can assume you might return to my blog in the future.  If so, expect to read about motherhood, mommy blogs, children, birth, and anything associated with the previous.  I'm here because of the mommy blogs; they are my vice.  I aspire to be as cool as they are one day.  If only...
5. Do expect cats. I can't help but to love them (almost as much as babies). They are moody, somewhat squishy, and good at sleeping. Our common ground is what will establish their presence on my blog.  I can only try to promise to not let this turn into a cat lady forum.
6.  Variation is a given.  Some nights I will try to impress you with my big English minor vocabulary and sentence structure, while other nights I will simply shake my fist, yell "suck it!" and proceed with the writing skills of a 6 year old.  I just don't care enough to look like I have it all fancy and together. Bear with me folks.
You think it's scary reading this? Try being in my head. Yeah, no bueno.
If you have made it through all that crapola above, bless your soul. I promise to be more engaging in the future.  And though this whole expedition may seem at times a little narcissistic, immature, or boring I am happy that you all with be here with me.  I wrestled for a while with whether or not I should blog anonymously, but ultimately I think it's best that I just be honest and forward.  This is me: real, exposed, and constantly changing. Welcome to my world, I am glad you are here.

Couldn't let you go without some randomless, so here you go:
My cat is angry tonight.
I have recently become a compulsive bagel stealer.
A Bible verse for the day: "Be joyful always; pray continuously; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for yo in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:28